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How to launch a campaign

Go to the page for creating a new advertising company


Select the type of advertising campaign you want to create. For example, let's create a Push campaign.


Enter the name of the advertising campaign. The URL to which the user will be redirected when clicking on the ad, the category of the advertising campaign. For example, let's name the campaign Example push campaigns, specify the link to which the user will be redirected when clicked. Let's add auto-substitution macros for the zone, source, and click id. In the campaign category, choose nutra.


Set limits on the total and daily budget of the advertising campaign. The minimum limit on campaign budgets is $10. You can also specify how many times your ad can be displayed to one user.



Specify which countries to send traffic to your campaign from.


Specify the browsers and their minimum versions from which traffic will flow to your advertising campaign. Languages that can be installed by the user. And since we are creating a push campaign, you can specify the subscription age.


Specify the operating platforms, systems and their versions from which traffic will flow to your advertising campaign.


Specify the connection type and provider. To select a provider, you need to select a country/countries.


Specify the schedule according to which your ad will be displayed. For example, let's set the display of an advertisement only on weekdays


For Push/Inpage/Banner, the campaign needs to create creatives.

A creative is the advertisement itself that will be shown to the user. It consists of a title, description, picture and icon. The user clicks on the creative and is redirected to the url that you specified in the "Basic Settings" block.

Please note that when creating a banner campaign, before adding creatives, you need to make sure that you have selected the banner size in the "Settings" block.


Bid is the bid that an advertiser is willing to pay for displaying an ad or for clicking on it.

Payment models:

Pop/Push/Inpage - CPC - payment for one thousand clicks

Banner - CPM - payment for one thousand impressions

Before completing the creation of a new campaign, we will put the Auto Start Campaign checkbox into an active state so that after moderation the campaign will automatically start, and click on the "Create Campaign" button.

The campaign has been created and assigned the Checking status. If you switched the Auto Start Campaign to an active state at the creation stage, then after the manager approves your campaign, it will be automatically launched. If not, it will be assigned the Approve status and you will be able to launch it manually.